Traveler Guitar's Speedster Series
Speedster Standard and Speedster Deluxe

Full Scale
Full 24 ¾ inch scale. Fits in airline overhead bins.

Custom headphone amp
The Speedster Deluxe comes equipped with a built-in headphone amp featuring clean, boost, overdrive, and distortion channels.

One-Piece Neck-through-Body
Our solid neck-through-body design makes the Speedster ultra-sturdy.

Removable Arm Support
Make the Speedster even smaller with its removable arm support, which stores safely in the gig bag pocket for transport.

Gig Bag Included
Every single Traveler Guitar comes standard with a compact, custom gig bag so you can protect your investment at no additional cost.
Customer reviews
I'm a medium-amateur guitarist. I can strum most chords and pick out simple melodies. I'm also deployed overseas and wanted a guitar I can easily bring with me. This guitar does that and it does it well. I'm not really qualified to talk about how it plays beyond that.
Fast and Free Shipping! It made it across the continent and was still in tune. This is a little guitar that feels and plays full size. The Hot Rod V2 solves my Travelin' Blues, it fits in my suitcase and is very playable. This guitar looks great and sounds great whether running through my Fender Amp, Pig Nose or head phones. I love that I can plug in my Ipod and play along with my playlist. I saw a youtube review complaining about how hard it is to restring. Complete bullsnot, go to the how to restring video to see how easy it actually is. I love this guitar and am completely satisfied. Thanks, Traveler Guitar for designing and building these awesome travel guitars.
This guitar is perfectly suited for what it is. I had to return one of the other models because it was leaving a bruise on my picking hand's forearm. Enter the speedster with the armrest. PERFECT. My only gripe is that it's a little "creaky" when using the armrest. Aside from that, though... absolutely perfect.